Geoinquiet@s Argentina – Geolibres Argentina Local Chapter

The objectives of Geonquiet@s Argentina are:

  • Create a space for articulation of the communities linked to free geomatics and open geospatial data of Argentina, with international initiatives on these same topics,
  • Promote collaborative production and free access to open source geospatial information in Argentina.
  • Encourage the implementation of open standards and interoperability applied to geospatial information technologies in Argentina.
  • Promote the exchange of knowledge and sharing of good practices related to free geomatics technologies through activities of communities in Argentina.


Mission: generate a space where the creation and use of geographic data of free access is promoted, the adoption of geographic standards, the use of free and open source software for the development of geospatial information capabilities, through actions that promote and strengthen the geomatics community in Argentina.

Vision: strengthen the geomatics community through these spaces. We adopt proactivity as a methodology in our community, technology as the means and the concept openness as a base of fundamentals.

These are the channels of communication we have open: