The NCSU GeoForAll Lab is located at the North Carolina State University, Center for Geospatial Analytics in Raleigh, NC, USA. We are part of the worldwide network of laboratories following the motto Geo for All focusing on both research and education. As one of the founding laboratories we are the primary node for North America. With an open, collaborative infrastructure and powerful computing technologies, we build community among developers and problem-solvers.
We develop geovisualization techniques to advance human-computer interaction by enabling intuitive exploration of data models through tangible interfaces with complex geospatial data and simulations. We collaborate with several GeoForAll labs on the development of GRASS GIS – a powerful desktop geospatial platform. Our research also includes working with lidar data and mapping with Unmanned Aerial Systems. We develop and teach courses on Geospatial Modeling and Tools for Open Geoscience and present numerous workshops on GRASS GIS, Tangible Landscape and virtual environments.