The University community comprises more than 11,000 students and 800 staff from more than 20 countries. The institution has grown rapidly in recent years, but retains a student-centred and deeply collegial ethos.
Maynooth University’s Strategic Plan 2012-17 charted a clear and ambitious direction for the development of the University, including major enhancements in undergraduate and postgraduate education, focused investment in research, further internationalisation, and deeper engagement with enterprise and the community.
The University is located in the historic town of Maynooth, 25 km from Dublin, and its campus combines the peaceful and historic beauty of fine eighteenth century buildings with the very best of modern research and teaching facilities
The Department of Computer Science GeoLab leads the GeoForAll efforts in Maynooth University. Here the projects are mostly focused around the exploration of the computational aspects of Volunteered Geographical Information, Citizen Science and Web-based Mapping. Of particular interest to our lab is how we can use open geodata, open source software, etc in order to work with authoritative agencies such as government oganisations.