The GeoForAll Research and Education Collaboration, UMass Amherst

The UMass Amherst and 5-College Geospatial Research and Education Collaboration is a collection of people interested in spatial data management and analysis, in general, and open source geospatial technologies more specifically.

The UMass Amherst and 5-College Geospatial Research and Education Collaboration is a collection of people interested in spatial data management and analysis, in general, and open source geospatial technologies more specifically.

Our mission, as one of the founding laboratories in the Geo for All Network (, is to develop and foster collaborative teaching and research opportunities in the area of open source geospatial technologies and data.

Most recently, we have supported the FOSS4G 2017 conference. Andy Anderson was the Program Chair, and Andy and Charlie Schweik together ran the Academic program of the conference, and co-edited the proceedings. Jon Caris (Smith College) offers regularly courses on QGIS. Andy teaches and uses many different FOSS4G products. And Jon and Charlie are currently active trying to connect FOSS4G to research and education on unmanned aerial systems.

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