Open AR Cloud

Open AR Cloud’s mission is to drive the development of open and interoperable spatial computing technology, data and standards to connect the physical and digital worlds for the benefit of all.


Our mission is to drive the development of open and interoperable AR Cloud technology, data and standards to connect the physical and digital worlds for the benefit of all.

We believe AR cloud technology will profoundly change the way we see and interact with each other and our physical surroundings. We are dedicated to creating standards, guidelines, tools, and data required to build a better world. We know that, above all, we must protect & preserve our individual and collective freedoms, privacy, dignity and opportunity…for one and all.


  • Be open, transparent and interoperable
  • Be guided by immutable values
  • Use standards created by consensus of a diverse active community
  • Ensure authenticity and accountability via distributed data and technology
  • Respect and protect the privacy and rights of individuals
  • Foster innovation and opportunity
  • Incentivize users to generate data and content
  • Comply with local and global rules and regulations


The “Open AR Cloud Association” (OARC) is a global non-profit organization registered in Delaware,  USA. Our business address is in Portland Oregon, USA. OARC is managed by the Governing Board with guidance from the Advisory Board. Further our organization concists of members, partners, working groups and teams of volunteers.

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