George Porto Ferreira

My Mission

As an OSGEO charter and OSGEO Brasil member, I aim to help spread the word about the joys of using FOSS4G.


My first contact with Free and Open Souce Software was in 1994 when I started computer sciences at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil). I moved to the Geography Department at the State University of Santa Catarina in 1998, when I had my first contact with Spring (GIS open source), developed by the National Institute of Space Research (INPE). 2003, I started working in the Amazon Forest for the Brazilian Institute of Environment (IBAMA). One year later, I finished my master’s in Geomatics and project management at the University of Avignon (France). At that time, I started exploring the recently launched Quantum GIS. In 2008, I moved from the Amazon to Brazil’s capital, Brasília, to take the office as Environmental monitoring coordinator. During the following eleven years, one of my roles was to provide computational infrastructure for geospatial applications. Geoserver, PostGIS, GeoNetwork, and Leaflet were among my daily duties. In 2013, we decided to go 100% open source at IBAMA and QGIS was adopted as the main desktop GIS. In 2016 and 2018, I helped organize FOSS4G IS GOV, when, for the first time, several Brazilian governmental institutions gathered to exchange experiences in FOSS4G. In 2022, I started my PhD at the University of British Columbia, using a lot of FOSS4G in my research (of course!). In 2024, I actively participated in creating the Brazilian OSGEO Chapter. Besides, I love rock climbing, sailing, cycling, and yoga in my spare time.

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