Ashish Kumar


I am a Bachelor of Technology graduate from the Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University) Varanasi, also known as IIT (BHU) Varanasi, India in Computer Science and Engineering.

My experience with the open-source started in 2020 when I contributed to pgRouting through the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) under the OSGeo umbrella organization, and added two functions to it from the Boost Graph Library. It was an enriching experience in terms of the learnings that I had, and hence I have been contributing to pgRouting since then. Later, in GSoC 2021, I again contributed to pgRouting and ported the VROOM functionality to the vrpRouting codebase, acting as an initiative to effectively solve real-world Vehicle-Routing problems using some standard library with pgRouting.

I’m still an active developer of pgRouting, responsible for making the releases and adding more functionalities to it.

I’m currently contributing as OSGeo GSoC Org Administrator and Mentor for pgRouting in the Google Summer of Code 2023, and have been doing so since 2022.

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