Matthew Hanson

My Mission

Promote open-source geospatial for remote sensing and geospatial data science


Matthew has over 25 years of experience in remote sensing, image processing, and geospatial data, spanning optical, thermal, radar, and LiDAR technologies. Throughout his career, he has designed and implemented scalable algorithms, ranging from geolocation and atmospheric correction to cloud masking and machine learning applications. His work has been across different industry sectors like agriculture, climate, infrastructure, and earth science.

His expertise in handling diverse geospatial data led him to advocate for standards that enhance data interoperability. He has authored and contributed to open-source software, significantly increasing accessibility and utilization of geospatial data, especially within the geosciences domain. Matthew has been a major contributor to the SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) community standard, fostering an ecosystem of open-source tools for efficient search, discovery, and utilization of geospatial data. He frequently speaks at conferences, advocating for open-source software, standards, and the practical applications of geospatial data.

As cloud-based computing gained prominence, Matthew played a key role in scaling up remote sensing data processing. He helped create the initial version of Cumulus, an open-source framework facilitating NASA’s transition to cloud-based backend processing. He has since been involved in various cloud-based projects, processing and converting data from MODIS, Landsat, Sentinel-2, SAR sensors, and drone-based LiDAR, and has developed core open-source geospatial tools, simplifying scalable geospatial processing for developers.

A dedicated advocate of collaborative development, Matthew actively engages across multiple open communities for software and science. He volunteers consistently for FOSS4G conferences, contributes to evolving standards, engages in NASA working groups, and participates and runs sprints and workshops aimed at advancing geospatial standards.

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