Ingres 10.1 with Geospatial Support Available

The Ingres Geospatial community project is pleased to announce the first availability of binaries for Ingres 10.1 with the new OGC Simple Features based geospatial support built in. This software is licensed under the GPL license version 2, thus free to download, develop against, modify, and redistribute. The installers for each operating system are available for download at this link.

The Ingres Geospatial team has been working closely with Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) projects to improve and incorporate them as part of the new core Geospatial capability within the open source Ingres database. The new binaries are based on Ingres 10.1 and include the following features:

  • OGC SFS SQL v1.1 data types & functions
  • Projections, EPSG data loaded automatically
  • Support for Java, C/C++, .NET, Perl, Python, Ruby, etc

A brief video introducing this software is available.

Projects directly incorporated into Ingres Geospatial include PROJ.4 and GEOS, both of which have received a variety of improvements from the Ingres geospatial team since the beginning of its effort. Improvements have also been made in libgeotiff, and GDAL/OGR in pursuit of improved coordinate system dictionaries, which helps many other projects as well.

Support for Ingres has, or is being incorporated into GDAL/OGR, GeoTools, MapServer, Drupal, and more as part of efforts to ensure as wide application support as possible. As part of it’s support for the open source geospatial ecosystem Ingres is also a proud sponsor of OSGeo, the GDAL/OGR project and FOSS4G 2010.

For more information, please visit our project wiki.

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