FOSS4G2010 in Barcelona, Spain

==Barcelona to host FOSS4G conference in 2010==

===Barcelona (Spain) selected to host the 2010 international conference for “Free & Open Source Software for GeoSpatial” (FOSS4G).===

The OSGeo Foundation has selected Barcelona for the location of the FOSS4G 2010 conference, to take place in September.

FOSS4G is the premier international event organized around Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial. The selection of Barcelona brings the conference back to Europe, providing an ideal central location for experienced users and core developers to meet and share experiences. It is also the single best annual conference to dive in to the Open Source geospatial world, with introductory workshops, case studies of successful implementations, and numerous opportunities for meeting others who have leveraged FOSS to solve their problems.

The Spanish language chapter of OSGeo is pleased to be selected to host FOSS4G 2010. Geospatial Free and Open Source Software has great institutional support in Spain. Government administrations like Extremadura, Andalucia and Comunidad Valencia are investing heavily in building software that meets their needs. The official language of the conference will be English, but the Spanish speaking community will have numerous opportunities to participate in their native language.

In addition to software, the conference will also touch on a variety of related topics such as open data, open standards and the INSPIRE directive. To receive additional information about the conference go to:

”’About OSGeo”’

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation has been created to support and build the highest-quality Open Source geospatial software. The foundation’s goal is to encourage the use and collaborative development of community-led projects, data development and education [1].

”’About OSGeo-es”’

The Spanish language chapter is a fast growing community embracing all countries that speak the Spanish language. It is focused on promoting and building software, localizing documentation, and sharing educational material. The primary activity of the chapter is the realization of a Free GIS book, built by the community and distributed with a Creative Commons license.

”’About FOSS4G”’

FOSS4G is the annual international conference on Open Source geospatial software. From its beginning the FOSS4G conference has been the gathering of the spatial tribes and has a reputation of being a melting pot for great ideas in the spatial industry and a catalyst for many successful geospatial products, standards and protocols. The 2008 conference was held in Cape Town, South Africa and was a huge success[2]. The 2009 conference will be held in Sydney, Australia[3]. FOSS4G 2010 Barcelona will be the eighth “formal” gathering of the Open Source geospatial community. 2010 will be a key year for Europe, with the INSPIRE initiative, and FOSS4G will be the best place to see the Free Software way to make an SDI work.




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