The OSGeo Community program is pleased to two new projects into the foundation:
- GC2/Vidi is platform for building spatial data infrastructure and deploying browser based GIS.
- The server side GC2 component offers an easy-to-use browser application to configure the software stack, making it easy to deploy PostGIS, MapServer, QGIS Server, MapCache, and Elasticsearch. Powered by GDAL and ogr2ogr for data management.
- This is matched by the front end Vidi component providing a modern take on browser GIS.
- Loader provides a GML and KML loader to stage data into PostGIS.
- See the wiki for some great examples using Ordnance Survey data.
OSGeo Community projects are reviewed by the incubation committee and project team to check the project is open source, geospatial, and supports community participation.