Geoinquietos Argentina, the OSGeo microchapter, is proud to announce the second FOSS4G-Argentina event, to be held 5 to 9 April, at the National Geographic Institute in Buenos Aires. Having such a successful initial FOSS4G event back in 2013, FOSS4G-Argentina 2016 will again bring together community leaders from all over Latin America, to share and learn about Open Source geospatial. There will be a good mix of presentations, exhibitions, and of course hands-on workshops, that makes every FOSS4G event so exciting. Mark your calendars, and come join and share and enjoy the FOSS4G spirit in Buenos Aires!
Follow us on Twitter (@foss4gAR) to find out the latest news or please write to for any questions or comments you have.
– FOSS4G-Argentina organizing committee