ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (IWCTS) – Call for papers

9th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (IWCTS)
October 31st, 2016, San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA (Workshop Website:

=== Important Dates and Deadlines ===

* Paper submission due: September 2th, 2016 (CDT)
* Notification to the authors: September 23rd, 2016
* Camera ready papers due: October 3rd, 2016
* IWCTS Workshop: October 31st, 2016 (collocated with ACM SIGSPATIAL 2016)

=== About the Workshop ===

The 9th International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (IWCTS 2016) is particularly timely given the prominence of connected automated vehicles technologies in the global auto industry’s near-term growth strategies, of big data analytics and unprecedented access to sensing data of mobility, and of integration of this analytics into the optimization of mobility and transport. These developments are deeply computational. We will build upon the success of previous workshops to continue to focus on computation, knowledge discovery, and technology aspects of transportation systems while welcoming research papers in computer science, transportation science, urban and regional planning, the automotive arena, civil engineering, robotics, geography, geo-informatics, and other related disciplines.

=== Background ===

In the near future, vehicles, travelers, and the infrastructure will collectively have billions of sensors that can communicate with each other. Transportation systems, due to their distributed/mobile nature, can become the ultimate test-bed for a ubiquitous (i.e., embedded, highly-distributed, and sensor-laden) computing environment of unprecedented scale. This environment will enable numerous novel applications and order of magnitude improvement of the performance of existing applications. Information technology is the foundation for implementing new strategies, particularly if they are to be made available in real-time to wireless devices in vehicles or in the hands of people. Contributing are increasingly more sophisticated geospatial and spatio-temporal information management capabilities. Human factors, technology adoption and use, user feedback and incentives for collaborative behavior are areas of technology policy central to the success of this ubiquitous computing environment.

=== Scope of Submissions ===

The International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science invites submissions of original, previously unpublished papers contributing to Computational Transportation Science. Position papers that report novel research directions or identify challenging problems are also invited. Papers incorporating one or more of the following themes are especially encouraged:

• Collaborative transport, including collaborative multi-modal transport
• Computational and artificial intelligence aspects of assisted driving, collaborative transport or multi-modal transport
• Crowd sourcing and participatory sensing in transport
• Cameras as sensors for trajectory acquisition and event recognition
• Computer Vision-based information extraction from image sequences
• Context aware analysis of movement data
• New processing frameworks for handling masses of transport data (e.g. Hadoop)
• Uncertain information in collaborative transport and assisted travelling
• Mechanism design for collaborative behavior
• Data mining and statistical learning for travel information
• Human-computer interfaces in intelligent transportation applications
• Privacy, security, and trust in transportation information
• Novel applications targeted to health, mobility, livability and sustainability

=== Submission Format and Guidelines ===

Authors should prepare an Adobe Acrobat PDF version of their full paper. Papers must be in English and not exceed 6-pages double column in ACM SIG format (US Letter size, 8.5 x 11 inches) including text, figures and references. Position papers are limited 4 pages in this format, and should be marked ‘(Position paper)’ in the subtitle. Accepted papers will be published in the ACM digital library under the condition that at least one author has registered for both the main SIGSPATIAL conference and the workshop, attends the workshop, and presents the accepted paper in the workshop. Otherwise, the accepted paper will not appear in the workshop proceedings or in the ACM Digital Library version of the workshop proceedings.

=== General Chairs ===

* Gautam S. Thakur, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA (
* Nicole Ronald, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia (
* Stephan Winter, The University of Melbourne, Australia (

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