3rd annual FOSS4G Peru

Dates: 27 to 28 October 2016

Location: Ciudad Universitaria Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Lima, Perú

The aim of the Third Conference for the Software free geoespatial – III
FOSS4G Peru 2016, is to consolidate the Peruvian Geomatic and academic
relationship, technical, research, production and services with information
technology from different fields knowledge, from a critical and reflective
perspective on environmental, urban problems, rural areas, risk management,
climate change and the use of geotechnologies as Geomatica-
Geotechnologies-Geotics- GeoWeb – GeoApps and its application in public
policies and access to information Peruvian citizens that are essential for
the strategic planning of social, economic development and the pursuit of
productive diversity with added value to our raw materials that we miss so
much today.

The Conference III FOSS4G Peru 2016 will be a platform for professionals
Peruvian Geomatic which will serve to exchange thoughts with contributions
from high theoretical and methodological level, the creation of models,
prototypes and open source software of the various investigations carried
out the geomatics or professionals who are in the work of the technologies
of the world, Latin American or Peruvian geographic information.

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