FOSS4G-NA 2019

Learn, explore, share and collaborate on the latest in open source geospatial technologies.

Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial North America is all about community. Contributors, adopters, users, extenders, teachers, service providers, consumers and business and research organizations gather to share their expertise and learn from each other.

Welcome to Marina Village Conference Center

The conference will is held at the Marina Village Conference Center, located just inside Mission Bay Channel minutes away from the Pacific Ocean. Only a short trip to the beach, Old Town, and other local spots.

Community Sprint April 14 and 15th

Everyone is invited to start the week off right with a community sprint. To thank those working on the projects being celebrate sprint participants a choice of a free gala dinner or workshop day admission. Please sign up on the wiki to qualify.

Business to Business April 15th

Connections are the key to success, share your story at our Business to Business & Government Day sessions focused on the technologies driving our entire community. The sessions work through key industry and government programs backed by open source geospatial software and collaborative mapping, or both.

Extensive Program April 16 and 17th

Two days for the main event:

  • Exciting keynotes from the brightest minds from our geospatial community.
  • Technical sessions with the latest in web mapping, 3D, AR/VR, IoT, Visualization, Analysis, Spatial Databases, geoprocessing, big data and more.

Check out the extensive program with topics exploring the latest opportunities, research, and challenges in our field.

Workshops April 18th

Take your inspiration for a spin with hands-on workshops. Don’t just hear about open source, learn how to use open source (and bring some foss4g love back to your colleagues, co-workers, and customers).

OSGeo Sponsors

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