Tartu is a vibrant student city and is situated in Southern Estonia. By road approximately 100 km from the border with Latvia to the South, and the same from the border with Russia to the South-East. The capital city of Estonia, Tallinn is 180 km to the North-West. It lies about half way down the stream on the banks of river Emajõgi, one of the largest rivers of Estonia connecting the lakes Võrtsjärv and Peipsi. Tartu is an old historic region. Historically also known as Tarbatu (or Dorpat) and was first mentioned by medieval chroniclers describing events of the early 11th century and therefore the recorded region history is thought to go back to ca 1030. Archaeological findings suggest the area of the current city was permanently inhabited already in the 5th century CE.
With a population just short of 100K it is the second largest city in Estonia and home to multiple universities, including the oldest in Estonia – the University of Tartu established in 1632. The city is often referred to as the “intellectual capital city” of Estonia.
The event is co-hosted by Estonian Geoinformatics Society (EstGIS) and University of Tartu Department of Geography.
Schedule outline
Following the FOSS4G traditions we will have:
– 2 days dedicated to workshops (Monday and Tuesday)
– 3 days of oral presentations (Wednesday to Friday)
– 2 days of Community Sprint (Saturday and Sunday) to sum up the week
The main venue for the event is located at Vanemuise 46. A well-known address to all who have studied geography in Estonia as this is home to the Department of Geography.

Vanemuise 46, home of the UT Department of Geography. Photo: Andres Tennus via University of Tartu, Department of Geography
What about social and networking events?
But of course!
The business-to-business (B2B) meeting is organized in cooperation with SPARK HUB. SPARK HUB is a startup and technology community center in Tartu connecting 200 entrepreneurial people in IT and hardware.
The Ice-breaker party will take place on Wednesday evening in Aparaaditehas (“Widget Factory”). Housed in a former factory building it has been converted into a space for cafes, restaurants, events, exhibitions, workshops, and performances.
For the main party on Thursday evening we will head to Lodjakoda (“Barge hall”) for a glimpse of Estonian culture. Lodjakoda is a traditional wooden ship building yard where a new two mast river barge is currently built. You can follow the progress at their YouTube channel.
The call for papers will be published in the end of November 2023 and will run through until February 2024.
We expect the program schedule to be finalized and published by the end of March 2024.
Tickets will go on sale in the beginning of 2024.
For more information check out the conference web page at https://2024.europe.foss4g.org/.
Latest developments via foss4ge@twitter and foss4geurope@fosstodon
Tartu 2024
In 2024 Tartu will be one of the European Capitals of Culture. The artistic concept of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 is Arts of Survival (Ellujäämise Kunstid). Arts of survival are the knowledge, skills, and values that will help us lead a good life in the future. These are the knowledge, skills, and values that we endorse, cherish, share with and learn from Europe. The four most important Arts of Survival featured in the Tartu 2024 programme are uniqueness, sustainability, awareness, and co-creation.
More information about the events for Tartu 2024 can be found at Tartu 2024 homepage.